My Uncle John Roach Practicing On His Honda 450 Motocross Bike In Delaware and Surrounding Areas

He has been racing since 1978 riding a few years before that. And he still racing a little today 2011 he is pretty good. And he loves the sport of Motocross big time and so do I. My dad doesn't race anymore but I have some vintage movies coming soon of him back in 1980s.

Pagoda MX open practice 10/23/2010

SCCMX Ride Day at Blue Diamond MX 11-12-2010.wmv

Vintage Motocross @ White Oak MX Park 1983 125 A Class

Vintage Motocross @ Trail-Way Speedway 1983 125 A Class

My dad at Hideaway MX in 1983 1st overall! #40 2nd 1st race and 3rd second race.

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